This weekend, my youngest child will walk across the floor of the Leon County Civic Center, climb stairs to a stage and accept a diploma that verifies his matriculation from Lincoln High School. And this day is actually bigger than I ever imagined. My youngest child has had a rather combative relationship with school for most of his Middle and High School years. He is a gifted musician and those gifts were rarely allowed to flourish within the halls of high school education. Far from being unintelligent or lazy, he was basically uninterested and no manner of pleading, cajoling, yelling or prayer seemed to get through his brain that it mattered. It has been a very frustrating six years. But he made it. The particulars are not important, the final G.P.A. is not relevant. The mad scramble of the last few weeks will, hopefully, be a dim memory before too long. What matters is he will graduate on Saturday night.
So here is to my funny, charming, infuriating, talented, sensitive, goofy, independent third child on the weekend of his graduation. Take a deep breath, kid, and prepare to expand. Your world is opening up in front of you and I pray you find your place. Above all else, go with God. I love you...
Congrats, Dad. Now brace yourself for the next phase.
I will take a few minutes and enjoy this one first. If he'll let me...
Yay for Jordan! And probably an even bigger "yay!" you you and Mrs. Hope!
Jay, you are awesome. 'nuf said.
Jay,me thinks you are a sentimental dad! Now yu and wife can work your way through empty nest syndrome. I have a feeling it may be harder for her than for you! Men just seem to adjust quicker to all that!
Congrats to all in the house!
karen Anderson
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