In an attempt to add to the myth that a picture says a thousand words, I am providing a couple of drawings straight out of my sketchbook for you to study and admire. Inspired by teachings I heard in church, it is up to you to determine whether I was actually listening or not. I tell you what: let's not put the pressure of a thousand words on these mini masterpieces, lets just shackle them with 75 or 80. That would be a total of 160 for both, max. Seems fair. After all, this site is free so you should be feeling generous. Enjoy...

Now it is all clear to me. Now I know from whom I learned the annoying and inconsiderate(according to my wife) habit of sketching during church. It is your fault Jay Colle. The next time I hear a complaint I will be sure to give you credit.
My mom was just glad that I eventually moved on from scenes of war. Having tanks, planes and flames drawn all over a church bulletin was probably a cry for therapy. Of course, the new doodles could be considered the same thing.
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